

二、地點:崇法國際商務法律事務所 (北市忠孝東路一段76號10F-1)。
三、出席:如第三頁簽名共 十三 人。
四、主席:方鳴濤。 記錄:胡來寶。

2.預計本次大會活動,仍將邀請本校校長Stephen Joel Trachtenberg 、工程與應用科學學院院長 Timothy W. Wong與兩位教授Thomas Mazzuchi / Shahram Sarkarni在抵達飯店後與在台校友舉行下午茶會。
2.校長訪華行程由GWU alumni office 安排 校方聯絡人為 Robbert Kott 與 Stacey Lee。 目前校長亞洲之行已確定的行程只有香港部份確認,其餘仍需確認。

2003年2月19日,星期三,13:30~17:00商學院教授Dr. William Wells Jr.應中華專案管理協會(理事長熊培霖博士為本校工學院校友)之邀來台訪問, 並針對專案管理知識的全球性發展、其對政府與企業界運用的策略性思維與經濟成敗的關鍵性地位、及其對大中華區未來發展之影響作一專題講座。地點:文化大學APA藝文中心國際會議廳 (地址:臺北市建國南路二段231號) 。

2002年六月二十八日(星期五) 本校教授 Dr.John Glascock 受邀參加由元

2002國際教育合作週於9月25日上午在中國國際科技會展中心隆重開幕,這是中國大陸建國以至今參展的美國学校最多、级别最高的一次教育展。本校國際專案經理Janice Carmichael女士代表本校參加。

2002年四月二十二日本校 Don Wallace教授(聯合國國際貿易法委員會BOT法規起草委員)參加〝亞澳地區重大基礎建設之發展" 研討會。討論主題:聯合國國際貿易法委員會民間參與基礎建設機制之介紹。地點:台北西華飯店。


2001年十二月十三日上午本校國際事務學院院長何漢理(Harry Harding)博士應外交部之邀於外講所就「美國對台政策」發表專題演講,該活動 由外講所及本部外交事務協會共同主辦。
如果校長今年未能到訪台灣,則將於明年二月七日招開會員大會。 地點定於喜來登飯店。

主席 方 鳴 濤

簽 名



February 28, 2003
RE: Reception for GW Alumni, Parents and Friends in Taiwan

Dear GW Alumni and Parents:

I am pleased to announce that GW President Stephen Joel Trachtenberg and Timothy Tong, Dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences will be visiting Taiwan and would like to meet with GW alumni, parents and friends on Sunday, March 23, 2003.

A reception has been tentatively scheduled to be held on Sunday, March 23, 2003 from
3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. at The Grand Formosa Regent Taipei. As of this writing, arrangements for the reception are still being confirmed with the hotel. If you are interested in attending the reception or would like confirmation of the details once finalized, please contact me in Washington, DC by sending an e-mail to eaking@gwu.edu or by sending a fax to 202-994-8060. You may also contact Alumni House via telephone at 202-994-6435.

Please contact me by Wednesday, March 19, 2003, and be sure to include the number of people in your party, and an e-mail address, telephone number, or fax number I can use to confirm the time and location of the reception.

Your participation will make this a great GW alumni gathering in Taiwan! Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Best regards,

Elizabeth King
Regional Alumni Programs



March 20, 2003

Dear Phillip and Jim: I very much regret to inform you that due to the
unfortunate events which are likely to occur very soon in the Middle East
involving the U.S., President Trachtenberg, in consultation with the
university's Board of Trustees and senior staff, has concluded that his place
now is at the helm of the institution, not abroad. Consequently, he and Dean
Tong have decided to return to Washington this weekend to be on campus with
the student body and faculty and staff of the university. Unfortunately, this
means they will not be visiting Taiwan as planned. Hopefully, they will
reschedule the trip at a more propitious time.

In this regard, Phillip, the reception and planned meeting following the
reception with you, Jim Hwang, Kit Liang and the President will obviously not
take place. Ms. Elizabeth King of the GW Alumni Relations office, who has
been working with Alex Hu on the alumni reception, will work with the Grand
Formosa Hotel and with Alex in notifying the alumni who had committed to
attend on Sunday. We will be e-mailing all of them to notify them of the
cancellation. I hope we can count on your support to backstop this effort.

As well, may I ask that you contact Kit Liang to inform him of this
development and ensure he understands that there will be no meeting with the
President on Sunday. Please thank him on our behalf.

Philip and Jim, this is a disappointing turn of events for all of us. I know
you will understand the President's decision to return to campus and be with
his people at this trying and difficult time for our nation. I thank you
both, and I thank all of our Taiwanese alumni for the overwhelmingly positive
response we have received to the visit. I want to especially acknowledge the
great assistance that Alex Hu has provided to us. He is really a loyal and
faithful supporter of GW.
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions or concerns
whatsoever. Warm regards, bob

Robert J. Kott
Director of International Advancement
The George Washington University
2130 H Street, NW - Suite 606e
Washington, DC 20052

(202) 994-9523
(202) 463-6205 Fax



開 會 通 知

時間: 九十二年十一月二十七日
地點: 崇法國際商務法律事務所 (北市忠孝東路一段76號10F-1, 捷運板南線, 善導寺站一號出口)

理事: 方鳴濤、高自立、章昌文、遲威宙、陳威光、周志博、趙既昌、
監事: 劉文川、劉樹潔、林孟章、許惠文。
總幹事: 胡來寶
議程: 本屆會員大會議程及相關準備工作進度。
備註: 招待晚餐。依據本會組織章程凡三次缺席未請假者將喪失理監事資格。
聯絡: 崇法國際商務法律事務所

理事長: 方 鳴 濤

抄 送

