演講活動: 建構中國的碳市場 29 May 2010

Speech Notice: Topic: Constructing China’s Carbon Market

時間: 五月二十九日星期六下午兩點 ( 2 PM, May 29th, 2010)
地點:臺北101 大樓 35樓
Venue: 35F at TAIPEI 101 TOWER 臺北101 大樓 36樓
費用:每位新台幣 500元整
報名:請點選以下連結 https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dHNsRXJGOFpoR253aVliSHVjVEs3RXc6MQ
主辦: 中華財務主持人協會與哥倫比亞大學同學會及CFA協會 (本會理事長也是財協理事)

演講者介绍: 黃傑夫先生

現任芝加哥氣候交易所(Chicago Climate Exchange) 副總裁和天津排放權交易所(Tianjin Climate Exchange)董事長助理。黃先生有17年的跨國併購和期貨市場的經驗。他直接參與了中國第一家中外合資的交易所-----天津排放權交易所的談判和創建。他本人也以併購顧問的身份,直接參與了法國新際集團公司(NewEdge Group Ltd.)和中信期貨公司(Citic Futures Ltd.)的合資談判。黃傑夫先生作為外聘專家,曾數次為中國證監會(CSRC)執筆撰寫了有關中國期貨市場基礎建設的技術報告。黃傑夫先生目前也是北京師範大學客座教授。他曾應邀在北京大學、清華大學、北京師範大學、中央財經大學、對外經濟貿易大學等高校就國際、中國碳市場的發展舉辦講座,並為《21世紀經濟報導》低碳週刊的專欄作家。

Jeff Huang is Vice President-Asia of Chicago Climate Exchange and Assistant to Chairman of Tianjin Climate Exchange. He has 17 years experience in financial market development involving international merger and acquisition, and futures market.
Before joining CCX, Huang served as managing director of ChiSurf Ltd., a Beijing-based investment bank boutique specialized in the futures and derivatives sector, which he also co-founded. In 2007, Huang advised Newedge Group, one of Europe's largest futures and derivatives brokers, in the successful establishment of a joint venture with Citic Futures Inc., a futures broker in Shanghai owned by China's Citic Group. Huang is a frequent public speaker in China and abroad, and has helped educate Chinese market participants in issues related to clearing and risk management issues. He has worked in financial services and advertisement in New York and Beijing. Huang has been a consultant for China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) and wrote several articles on building China’s future markets.
Mr. Huang is also a guest professor at Beijing Normal University. He has held lectures on the development of international and local carbon markets at Peking University, Tsinghua University, Central University of Finance and Economics, University of International Business and Economics and is a columnist for “ Low Carbon Weekly” of the 21th Century Economic News, one of China’s premier economic and business newspaper.

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