This is the place for GWU alumni in Taiwan to speak up and share.
So bring it on!
Let we hear from you.

GW Alumni Happy Hour in Taiwan

We are happy to anounce the happy conclusion of the event on the night of January 17, 2009. Two dozens of GWU Taiwanese and American alumni showed up to meet with Oksana Carlson, the director of GW's International Alumni Relations.

The event was fun and informative. Many classmates got reconnected and made new friends.

The association would like to thank Alex Hu for putting up the event and Philip Fang for the wonderful dinner.

Outstanding Alumni

The association is proud to present the following outstanding alumni:

A new start for an old history

Because of the growing numbers of GWU alumni in Taiwan, the association decided to set up a dedicated website to serve this community on 2009.  We wish this can be a place where alumni can connect, contribute and learn.

We would like to know how to better serve this community and also how you can help this association.  Please feel free to contact us for any ideas.

WWW.GWUTAA.ORG is now open for business.