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13 Alumni Elected to 112th U.S. Congress; GW Grad Wins D.C. Mayoral Race
Election 2010 saw 13 fellow Colonials from across the political spectrum come out on top in their bid to serve in the 112th U.S. Congress.
Two alumni serving in leadership roles in the 111th U.S. Congress won re-election:
•Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, LAW JD '64 (D-Nev.) defeated Tea Party candidate Sharron Angle and will serve his fifth term in the U.S. Senate.
•House Republican Whip Eric Cantor, CCAS BA '85 (R-Va.) garnered 59 percent of the vote to retain his seat.
Seven other GW alumni incumbents won their bids for re-election:
•U.S. Rep. Jason Altmire, SPHHS MHSA '98 (D-PA)
•U.S. Del. Donna Christensen, SMHS MD '70 (D-VI)
•U.S. Rep. John Duncan Jr., LAW JD '73 (R-TN)
•U.S. Rep. Steve Israel, CCAS BA '81 (D-NY)
•U.S. Rep. Sam Johnson, ESIA MS '74 (R-TX)
•U.S. Sen. Daniel Inouye, LAW JD '52 (D-HI)
•U.S. Rep. Cliff Stearns, SEAS BS '63 (R-FL)
Four GW Alumni in Congress were not up for re-election:
•U.S. Sen. Kent Conrad, GWSB MBA '75 (D-ND)
•U.S. Sen. Michael Enzi, GWSB BBA '66 (R-WY)
•Resident Commissioner Pedro Pierluisi, LAW JD '84 (D-PR)
•U.S. Sen. Mark Warner, CCAS BA '77 (D-VA)
One GW alumnus incumbent retired:
•U.S. Rep. Robert Wexler, LAW JD '85 (D-FL)
"We are proud of our alumni who come to GW with a passion for changing the world and go on to serve their communities," says Dr. Knapp.
Fourteen GW graduates served their country in the 111th U.S. Congress.

In the nation's capital, GW graduate Vincent Gray, B.S. '64, will be the District of Columbia's next mayor.
Currently chairman of the D.C. Council, Mr. Gray defeated three candidates to win the general election. He defeated incumbent mayor Adrian Fenty in the September Democratic primary.
"The George Washington University congratulates District of Columbia Mayor-elect Vincent Gray," says President Steven Knapp. "We look forward to working with his administration to meet our shared goals, including improving public health and expanding educational opportunity in the District of Columbia."
At GW, Mr. Gray became the first black member of a university fraternity and later served as president of Tau Epsilon Phi for two consecutive terms. He studied psychology in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences. In 2009, he was awarded the university's Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award.
"My goal to make the District 'One City' is rooted in my time at George Washington University as a student," said Mr. Gray. "I look forward to continued support of the GW community."
Mr. Gray has served as executive director of the D.C. Association for Retarded Citizens and director of the D.C. Department of Human Services. He also co-founded Covenant House, a youth services nonprofit organization.
Mr. Gray has tapped Stephen Joel Trachtenberg, president emeritus and university professor of public service, to co-chair a task force on economic development for the mayor's office. GW students are also working in Mr. Gray's transition office.
Mary Cheh, a professor at GW's Law School, was re-elected councilwoman for Ward 3. Ms. Cheh, the Elyce Zenoff Research Professor of Law, was first elected in 2006.

GWU MBA ranked 38 in North America

根據經濟學人最新統計, 本校MBA 在北美排名第38.

The GW School of Business has one of the top MBA programs in the world, according to the The Economist's 2010 ranking of full-time MBA programs. GWSB ranked 38th among the schools in North America for its full-time MBA program. This is the first time the GW School of Business has been invited to join The Economist's ranking of full-time MBA programs

Alumni Benefit Program is post on "Forum討論" area

校友會理事Barry熊培霖 與 Sunny 周秀如 在 7/17/2010 校友會上所提議之方案已上傳到 Forum 討論區

Quarterly Alumni News Letter

校友會(美國總部)季刊 從本季開始發行

8th GWUTAA Board member

第八屆 理事、監事 (每三年一任),包含候補名單

黃介正 淡大國際事務與戰略研究所 專任助理教授
方鳴濤 崇法國際法律事務所 所長 (律師)
高思博 行政院 蒙藏委員會主任委員
王廷升 立法院 立法委員
遲威宙 新加坡星展銀行 副總裁
葉國煌 百佳泰電腦股份有限公司 業務協理
李鴻基 元大證券 總經理
喻威儀 三立電視 監察人
陳曉昱 會計師
熊培霖 博鴻國際專案管理顧問公司 董事長
陳國雄 摩達網(股)公司 CEO
林孟璋 國票證券 副總經理
侯秀蓉 澳盛銀行 協理
周秀如 復華投信投資理財處 協理
郝海琪 瑞資證券投資顧問公司 經理
陳秀娥 寰宇資產管理顧問公司 顧問
蔡政言 淡江大學國貿系 助理教授
劉尚汶 開發國際投資 經理
胡來寶 台灣源訊科技 資深顧問
吳淑緞 安智證券 協理
劉文川 人事經理
田正利 師大東亞文化與發展學系 助理教授
杜立彬 同昌機械 經理
曹致軒 中央通訊社 社長特助
葉茂焜 台固媒體(股)公司 經理
賴樹民 Trelleborg Sealing 總經理
鄭 儼 譁訊電子 專案經理
鄭雅文 恩智浦半導體 業務


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