Summary of GWU Global Forum in HK Nov.2009

GWU Global Forum 在香港港島香格里拉酒店所舉辦之亞洲區校友大會共有將近二百位校友與其親朋好友參加(Nov.13th, 14th).以下連結是當天的摘錄(相片與影片 )

1) 當天所播放關於 GW 校園點滴
-- We call this our "GW International Video".

2) 校長Steven Knap 的演說.

3) GW Global Forum recap is available on YouTube:

4) 相片集錦. (超過350張), 可下載

--You are able to download the high-resolution versions of images from Flickr. If you see an image you like, simply click on it, then click the "All Sizes" icon in the upper left of the picture. This will bring you to a page that allows you to download several different sizes of the image